Learn. Grow. Harvest
Roots is a community garden for caregivers and children that focuses on the idea of companion planting. Through this method and program, they will grow their relationships both with each other and nature. It is up to the younger generations to create sustainable lifestyles for the future.
Art Direction: Bryan Satalino

Companion Gardening
Companion gardening is the idea of planting certain vegetables next to one another in order for them to both benefit. This concept at the Roots garden carries through to the idea of gardening with a companion and being able to help, learn, and grow from one another just as the vegetables do. We believe in growing roots in your relationship with nature and with each other.
How It Works
Reserve your own garden bed in the “Join The Plot” section of the website.
Receive a Root’s Beginner Starter Kit in the mail. It includes everything you need to be successful companion gardeners!
Use the Guidebook provided in the Starter Kit to Learn, Grow, and Harvest at the Roots plot!

The Guide
The Roots guidebook is key to the companion planting experience. Through the booklet members will learn what to grow, where to grow it, and how to care for each vegetable. As well as how to plant it, and how to harvest and use the food they grew.

Gear for Companion Gardeners
No garden can go without a little extra style. When members register a garden bed they will receive a gardening beginners kit equipped with aprons, hats, gloves, tools, and seeds!