
The wellness app that helps you keep track of your Hive.

A health and wellness app that helps you keep track of all your loved ones. It includes scheduling, doctor contacts, medications, symptoms and progress tracking, and more.

Art Direction: Abby Guido


 Everyone around the world deals with health and self-care at some point in their life. Whether for themself or a loved one and let’s be honest it can be intimidating, overwhelming, and scary. There is so much to keep track of from appointments to medications to symptoms.

How can we fix this and make the experience of caring for our bodies and minds a little less overwhelming and intimidating?

The first step is to figure out a system to ease the burdens. That is where Wellbee comes in. A health and wellness app that helps you keep track of all your loved ones. It includes scheduling, doctor contacts, medications, symptom and progress tracking, and more.

style tile

Style Tile

Wellbee being a health app needs to be trustworthy most importantly, in its content and user experience but also in its branding. When a company doesn’t feel trustworthy; a bank, for example, no one wants to use their services. Color, textures, and even typefaces play the biggest role in creating a comfortable and trustworthy environment for your users.

The brand was not always such cool, soft tones. It started with very vibrant lively colors to give the app the life it needed to not be sterile and intimidating. Then, it became too loud and juvenile and so colors were muted and limited.


Logo Development

A natural symbol for something that felt lively seemed fitting and bees symbolize community, brightness, and personal power. Each one of these can also be said about what I want the app to stand for and feel and so came “Wellbee”.

With the logo, icon it felt that just a literal bee was too serious. So I made sure to keep the stinger out so that it didn’t come across as a needle. Then, kept the lines flowing and more organic to get a sense of a relaxed feeling like you often see in meditation and wellness logos.


Development & Research

Now, aren’t there apps like this out there? For sure but most of them focus on specific stages in life or partner with insurance companies for a more serious type of tracking. Unlike the other apps, Wellbee makes caring for ourselves enjoyable and easy.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a caregiver, have a chronic illness, or are just not great at adulting this app can help you. With Wellbee there is no pressure on insurance and healthcare companies and EVERYTHING is all in one place. Not only can you use this app for primary care but also for dentists, chiropractors, and so on you name it! No more Google searches for doctor’s numbers and no more feeling overwhelmed from trying to keep track of everyone’s life.

United States caretaker facts

User Personas

When creating my user personas I relied heavily on my research to inform each life. Wellbee is meant to make your health easy and simple so I chose people who may have the hardest time experiencing that. The app aims to be inclusive for all people and all journeys as shown by the inclusion of a caretaker, a mother/teacher, and a transgender persona.


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